Thursday, March 30, 2006


I attached the shoulder/body with the arm/claws to the face/head.
There are some difficulties with balance and moving parts.
It is pretty cumbersome and hard to work within.

but it'll work.

I think I'll have to repaint the face, it's taken quite a beating

Saturday, March 25, 2006

update reuptake

bear is looking good. need to go get fabrics.

need to start on fingers and fish.

pics will be posted.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

holy fish!..t

the bear is coming together nicely. I need to buy fabric for to make its clothes with and a bit of fauxfur. And the arms are a-swinging. I need some small hardware to attach the claws to the wrists.

A new fish design. Need tiny springs, and perhaps little hooks.


...dustin hoffman is a-mazing

Sunday, March 12, 2006

progress report: progression of progress

added modeling epoxy to the bear mask helped define it much better. The plaster gauze and the paper-mache hid much deatil in the mask. The paint and gesso are drying shiny. I detached the jaw, I still need to resolve that problem. A second, longer latex tongue was also made.

The fingers are the next step.

I must remember to pick up those springs.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

color-ed bear-head

the face is painted, bear colors. It was just like that time I painted faces at the carnival. A child requested to resemble a bear, and it was beautiful... which, even still, I regret. He was shot by hunters later that evening. Therein lies an invaluable lesson: don't go pretending to be something you're not, because someone will shoot you.

The torso is next, and then a costume.

Considering alternate fish designs.

Got springs for the fingers.

Made a sandwich.

Ate it.