Thursday, January 19, 2006

techNOLOGICal wonders...

there are no signs of improvement...

I will never understand how someone had enough gall to create the Gilligan's Island's character "the Professor"--a man who makes radios out of coconuts. There is little more impossible than a coconut making a sound other than that a coconut would normally make. I have access to soldering irons, packaged motors, LEDs, capacitransresiselectors, and cardboard; and I can't not even not-make a thing... nothing. I could potentially believe a man could leap tall buildings in a single bound (like superman), or... grow and shrink many times his own size (like apache cheif), or... um... talk to fish, man. That one makes the most sense. But a man can't make a walk-in freezer out of palm fronds, sea shells, canned laughter, and monkeypoop. That's preposterous.*

* ludicrous also Ludacris

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